About Us

专业针灸和中药治疗,并提供专业中频脉冲理疗,中药熏蒸艾灸等服务。 朱峰医生: 1987年毕业于中国沈阳医学院,从事临床医学,主要专业脑神经科、康复医学/现代康复、传统医学康复研究。黑龙江中医大学硕士导师,荣获省市多项科学研究成果。善长中枢神经系统疾病康复治疗,如脑外伤后遗症、脑中风后遗症、面神经麻痹、肢体障碍、截瘫及各种痛症治疗。在中医妇科方面治疗经验丰富,如不孕症、月经不调、痛经等。 传授老师: 国宝级中医名师、著名针灸中医药大师、辽宁中医大学教授彭静山 国家级中医名师、著名针灸学家、北京针灸学会顾问、金氏针灸创始人金伯华教授 黑龙江中医大学针灸推拿学院教学院长唐强教授 民间中医周双义(师从中医名家石东临,师爷贾梦莲老中医)

Dr. Zhu Feng graduated from Shenyang Medical College, China in 1987. Afterwards, he engaged in clinical medicine, mainly specialized in neurology, rehabilitation medicine/modern rehabilitation, and traditional medical rehabilitation research. He was a Heilongjiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine master tutor, as well as won a number of provincial and municipal scientific research achievements. Dr. Feng is phenomenal at rehabilitation treatment for central nervous system diseases, such as sequelae of traumatic brain injury, sequelae of cerebral apoplexy, facial paralysis, limb disorders, paraplegia and various pain treatments. He is also experienced in TCM gynecology treatment, such as infertility, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, etc.


  • Professor Peng Jingshan — Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Professor, National TCM Master, Famous Acupuncturist, Consultant of Beijing Acupuncture Society, Founder of Jin's Acupuncture

  • Professor Jin Bohua — Dean of Acupuncture and Tuina College of Heilongjiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  • Professor Tang Qiang, Zhou Shuangyi — traditional Chinese medicine practitioner



在治療期間,我們將使用無痛的日本美容針用於面部穴位,基於中醫原理,對皮膚造成微小的微創傷,向身體發出信號,將膠原蛋白、彈性蛋白和微循環輸送到面部以進行癒合、修復和提高皮膚緊緻度,除了臉部的穴位,我們還會配合身體穴位,從內到外根本上平衡和提升皮膚質量,讓皮膚產生自然光澤。幾千年來,針灸已被用於治療許多病症和疾病。針灸的功效與操縱身體上的能量點以平衡和消除經絡(血液和能量通道)中的阻塞,以達到健康和預防疾病有關。美容針灸在過去幾年引起了極大的關注,尤其是在紐約市和洛杉磯等大城市。 1996年國際臨床針灸雜誌報導稱,在300例接受美容針灸治療的病例中,90%的患一個療程就有明顯效果。效果包括:皮膚變得細嫩,面部肌肉彈性得到改善,面色更紅潤, 以及整體的年輕化。”


  • 幫助減少黑眼圈、浮腫的眼睛、眼袋,雙下巴、皮膚下垂和眼瞼下垂。

  • 增加血液循環,從而為皮膚充氧,增加膠原蛋白的產生,滋養肌膚,讓您擁有自然光澤的健康膚色,減少肌膚暗沉

  • 收緊毛孔,控制痘痘肌膚

  • *治療貝爾麻痺、面癱、三叉神經痛、皮膚乾燥、眼睛疲勞、痤瘡和偏頭痛


面部針灸或任何針灸最常見的副作用是瘀傷。 然而,任何瘀傷通常會很快癒合。美容針灸的不適合人群。如果你懷孕了,或一個月內接受了肉毒桿菌毒素,那麼現在不是正確的時間。 患有出血性疾病、高血壓、肝炎、未控制的 2 型糖尿病、癌症患者也不適合使用此種治療。如果我注射過肉毒桿菌毒素,我可以做美容針灸嗎?


Yao Chen L.Ac is a California State licensed acupuncturist who comes from a family that has practiced Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture for three generations. She earned her Psychology Masters degree from Ibaraki, Japan and has seven years of clinical experience treating and helping patients overcome physical, mental, and emotional problems in Japan and China. After a period of study in Japan, Yao brought her skills to the US to further continue her medical career. She received her Masters of Science degree in Oriental Medicine from Alhambra Medical University. She has dedicated her time and effort to provide every patient with care, patience, and a unique acupuncture experience.

Pain Management, Stress, Sciatica, Woman’s Health Issues, Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture, Weight Loss

Please feel free to contact Dr. Feng or Yao if you would like to know more about how acupuncture and oriental medicine can help you.